Police Stations In Chiang Mai
If you get into trouble or need to seek the services of a policeman. Then it's suggested you go to the police station rather than calling one over off the street. The reason being is that police on the beat usually play a different role to what you get at the station. Another thing is corruption. You see when you go to the station a lot more people will know about your situation, it makes it harder to make bribes and so forth.
If you really are at fault an in a situation where you could find yourself in jail, then call a police officer off the street. This way you might be able to get your way out of a situation without it having to go to the station, once your at the station all bets are off pretty much.
There are many reasons why you'd want to contact the police, especially if something has been stolen from you and you need to make an insurance claim. What ever you do though do not make a fraudualent insurance claim to Thai police, they will catch you out and if you do you will be serving time behind bars, Thai police do not like this at all because it looks bad on thailand if you say something has been stolen so only do so if it really is.
I know of one case where someone at my dad's guest house claimed a camera was stolen, he went to the police station and made a claim, the police went back to his room and actually found the camera. He spent the next 6months in Jail!
As a foreigner typically you'll need to seek the services of the tourist police in Chiang mai, they have people their that can speak english, japanese, korean, french, and german who can help you translate whatever problem you've had, typically if a forgeigner get's in trouble here they will contact the Tourist police to deal with it.
608 Rimping Plaza, Chareonraj Road, tel: (053) 247 318 / 249 806
Airport Tourist Police Office
60 Moo 3, Airport Road, (053) 270 222 ext 2191.
Arcade Tourist Police Office
Arcade Bus Station (booth), 2 Watket.
Night Bazaar Tourist Police
Onsite, outside the Vieng Ping Centre, Changklan Road (booth).
Central Police Station (Provincial Police Region 5)
Open: 08:00-16:00; tel: (053) 140 000, email: [email protected].
Muang Ching Mai Police station
189 Rachadamneon Road, tel: (053) 277 477 / 276 458, email: [email protected].
Changphuak Police Station
120/2 Chotana Road, tel: (053) 218 445 / 218 443.
Doisaket Police
178 Moo 1, Cheong Doi, Doi Saket, tel: (053) 495 490-1.
Highway Police Office
1/33 Moo 3, Chiang Mai-Lampang Road, tel: (053) 242 441 / 240 289.
Immigration Police
71 Moo 3, Airport Road, Suthep, tel: (053) 201 755-6 / 277 510, email: [email protected].
Mae Ping Police Station
184 Moo3, Chiang Mai-Lamphun Road, tel: (053) 275 715 / 275 704.
Mae Rim Police
212 Moo 1, Mae Rim, tel: (053) 297 040.
Phu Ping Police Station (Main)
193 Moo 1, Chang Phuak, tel: (053) 219 226-9.
Chiang Mai Traffic Police Office
28 Praisanee Road, tel: (053) 234 051, email: [email protected].
San Kamphaeng Police
113-117 Moo1, San Kamphaeng, tel: (053) 331 191, email: [email protected].
San Sai Police
4 Moo 5, Sansai Luang, San Sai, tel: (053) 491 949 / 491 952.
Sarapee Police
46 Moo 3, Chiang Mai-Lamphun Road, tel: (053) 321 090, email: [email protected].
Tourist Police Office
608 Rimping Plaza, Chareanraj Road tel: (053) 247 317, Hotline 1155.

Chiang Mai Police Stations
Hi everyone,
I have a Non-Immigrant Visa (marriage Visa) living in Chiangmai.Do I have to register myself
by the police ? I always renew all extensions of Visa – forms,
For an answer from anyone,many thanks in advance.