Australian Man Found in a pool of blood in Chiang Mai
An Australian national Mr Michael Jarrod Taft 27 years from East Melbourne was found unconcious covered in blood behind the Pantip computer shopping mall in Chiang Mai a few days ago. He sustained cuts and bruises to his body, a broken bone and had lost a lot of blood. He was rushed to Suan Dork public hospital where he was recovering.

Australian man beaten up in Chiang Mai
Mr Taft has no recollection of the events and absolutely no idea how he ended up in the dark alley way. It appears to police that he was a victom of a mugging but the police have no leads as yet. Since Mr Taft cannot recall the events the police say there is not much they can do about the event.
While at the hospital local tourist police officials started to inquire about how Mr Taft had come to Chiang Mai. He said that he had just arrived the previous morning and came into the city with a guy he met off the plane. They parted company and Michael started drinking. Apparently he can remember drinking all day and into the night is when it started to get blurry. This was his first trip out of Australia. Amazingly the police asked if they could get his bags for him. But he didn't bring any. Nothing at all? Nudda all he had was the clothes on his back and his guitar not even a tooth brush, apparently Mr Taft was going to purchase everything he needed here. He didn't even check into a hotel or guest house!
Now he has no wallet and no money and doesn't know anyone here who can help him. Police tried to contact his family but they were not willing to cooperate so the case has been turned over to the Australian embassy who will further try to contact someone who can help pay for his medical bills. He will not be able to leave and return home until they are paid.
My only thought about this guy is som nom nah. Why would you come to another country without at least securing your funds before you go out for a huge bender. Having never left the country before is it really that wise to go drink so much? I'm sure now he might look back on it and think it was a bloody dumb thing to do however he's also going to go back to Australia and tell everyone how he got beat up and mugged in Thailand and there all going to think out dangerous it was. In the end it might not have been a Thai who did it to him either. If I saw this drunk idiot i'd probably roll him too for being such a dumb f$%&.
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