Hack Noone is using
If you're not already familiar with it's one of Thailand's biggest dating sites. It's very popular with Thai girls that have already dated or had sex with a foreign guy. This includes bar girls and pub ho's which is great if you're into that. But there are a tonne of other girls on the site, decent girls that i'm sure anyone reading this would be interested in.
The problem with the site is some of these girls get sooo many messages that it's hard to do get past a few replies. I thought I'd do an experiment to show you. I created an account using a picture of a young Thai girl and said I was 18 this was 7:30pm By 8pm I had hundreds of messages from random guys (by 9pm i was banned). When they messaged I said I was really 15 and would this be ok? Some guys reported me but only half, the other half of the guys that I chatted with were super keen to help pay for my school fees in return for sex. One guy in particular was a super creep, wanted to come over and cook dinner for me (the 15y/o girl) and my younger sister when my parents weren't home then fuck me in front of her. Dude if you're reading and you probably are, I'm not going to snitch on you but I swear I better not see you around!

Some of the guys on here are so creepy talking to whom they thought was a 15y/o girl!
What's up with these creepers anyway. I like younger girls but fuck me what's a 60y/o guy gonna do with a 15y/o girl. That's just sick guys. I said I was 18 in my profile and the first 30 guys to message me were all well into their 50's. No wonder 5 years ago when i was really hitting this site did i get so much attention. Fucken creepers man, this 58y/o kept repeating "will love only me, I want you be my girlfriend". I mean c'mon why the hell would a 15y/o Thai girl want to be your g/f you fat fuck, so tempted to post your photo here!
The most disturbing part of this experiment for me at least was not the pedo creeps but all the guys offering money it's just messed up. If you want a whore go to the soapy massage or something guys why the fuck would you offer money to a decent young Thai girl for, it's just desperate. Withing 10 minutes on this site using a profile of a fake girl these mofo's offered me iphone, cash, sushi, apartments, bikes, more cash, more fancy dinners. WTF you dumb fucks! I have no doubt all these guys have read this site, why didn't learn anything?
If any Thai girl asks you for money and you never even met them just stop talking to her, I don't care how damn hot you think she is she's not going to be worth the money. She'll never be satisfied and you'll be hurt more than she is, in the wallet and when you finally wake up and take of your rose colored glasses. I'm most famous for my noodle story for which i received a lot of slack from but in my mind offering some poor school girl sushi and iphones is worse. You want a hooker go buy one you desperate fucks.
So this was supposed to be about the hack but got sidetracked by all these assholes who think they can give money and get sex from any Thai Girl. With all the creeps it's hard to get your messages through, you'll be buried by all these assholes. But I found hundreds of hot girls on ThaiFriendly that guys aren't messaging because they setup their profile wrong. Instead of selecting a city they selected the "-------" option. Because this is their city they don't come up on city specific searches which most guys never change.
The girls may not be in your area but chances are if you browse enough you'll find a girl that is. When they sign up as a new member they get few members messages because their profile won't show up in other guys searches this gives you a chance to chat with them before every creep on the site does. Good Luck!
Join any dating website and you’ll get a 5% pool of people who are literally weirdos and stick out like a saw thumb.
Interesting hack, will give it a spin later.
true enough. but then you are one of those dudes too.
Not only are those guys creeps but if they ever did anything that dumb they are likely to be scammed and/or end up in jail. I use ThaiFriendly for dates but if any girl told me she was 15 not only would I have to report her profile but I wouldn’t believe her and assume it was a scam coming up.
‘I have no doubt all these guys have read this site, why didn’t learn anything?’I really rather doubt it!
‘Dude if you’re reading and you probably are, I’m not going to snitch on you but I swear I better not see you around!’ again really rather doubt it and why?What are you going to do?My guess would be absolutely nothing!!
Too many stupid dudes offering money for s*x, has totally started to ruin the foreign dating game. All the foreign women are begging now for money online and think all Western men are perverted creeps. It is really sad how stupid a lot of men can be. Thanks for ruined the opportunities for younger men looking to marry nice women. The asians are brainwashed now from 15-20yo to beg men for money thinking it is normal to get money from them for sex (and not other intentions). After 21-22yo they start to realize it is not about seeking a man for his money.