Renting a Thai girl by the Hour Night Day Month Year
Yes it's true, Thailand the land of smiles rents young Thai girls out by the hour, day, month, year. Some might think this is deplorable, others revil in the idea of a hot thin girl basically on your beck and call. Whatever your thoughts there is no denying that for a small cost, girls are for rent in thailand ever day of the year.
You've probably come to this page because you want to know The cost of renting a Thai girl or just seeking more information on how to rent a Thai girl.
How much does it cost to rent a Thai girl?
- Thai Girl by the hour: Normally prices are 500 baht thai price or 700 farang price, though agencies on the net charge as much as 1000 thai price or 2000 farang price.
- Thai Girl by the Day: This is a much better deal than by the hour typically night costs 1000 baht but you do have more expenses food entertainment etc could end up costing 3000 baht if you have a big night out.
- Thai Girl by the Week: Not normally cheaper than by the day if you take what your given, bargain a little bit, i've had experience of only 300 baht per day.
- Thai Girl by the Month: This is one of the best deals to be had, a month contract with a girl is perfect, but listen to my advice, wherever you found her, move. Let's say you found her in pattaya, take her to Chiang Mai, you'll get a better bang for your buck because she won't be slipping out to see her friends and family.
- Thai Girl by the Year: This one is really only reserved for sponsoring a thai girl. For roughly 200 baht a day you can have your very own rented Thai girl at your beck and call. The difference between giving someone a one of gift and actually making someone dependent on you is another.

Thai Girl For Rent
Negotiating a Price
In Thailand you barter for anything, if you've had little to no experience bartering then I suggest you start to practice. Almost everything outside a Thai shopping mall you can bargain with. Start the price lower than the cost price list. And don't go any higher and you will be ok. One suggestion is to never give in and be prepared to walk away. If your not on a quick holiday this is easier to do but there are many deals to be done everywhere in Thailand so don't think that "you've just let her get away". Think about it, how easy was it to find her? Never and I mean never, boast about how much money you have always say things are expensive. Once someone knows you have money they are going to do whatever it takes to take it away from you, she will make it unbearable too riding her skirt whatever, just don't give it, stick to the prices!
Where to find the Thai girl to rent?
Thai girls are available in every corner of thailand, there are approximately 8 million eligable girls in Thailand aged 18 - 35 that are for rent. So your sure to find one anywhere. If your looking for a thai girl by the hour,day,week then you want to head to the hotspots of bangkok, chiangmai, phuket. But if you want a girl for the month then you want to look into eastern issan area of Thailand as they have the most willing and friendly girls in all of thailand. Chiang Mai and Bangkok have the biggest scene of rentable Thai girls but there are two problems, Bangkok is expensive, and Chiang Mai girls are hard to find as they prefer thai girls (for some reason chiang mai girls are scared of farang).
The best thing you can do is find someone in Bangkok, then move to phuket or chiang mai and have them come put them in a hotel and make them find a job, you won't find a bar girl to do this but bar girls in Thailand are only 1% of rentable girls!
Bar girls are bad for renting by the year
When you rent a Thai girl for a year try looking at it from her perspective. Just like girls back home she will ask herself "what am i getting out of this". The idea is for you to make her dependant on you and when she is you'll be able to make her do whatever you want. Bar girls are difficult to train this way because they want money out of ever situation and unless you pay her 1000 baht a day she won't be happy....period. On the other hand a regular non bar girl will be happy having a place to stay and school or work to go to. School girls/ Uni girls are easier because it's easy to answer the question of "what am i getting out of this" the answer is "a free education" their parents will be happy and that's the key making her folks happy. A bar girl just lies to her parents and will have lied so much about you that it will be too difficult to make her parents happy therefore renting a thai girl for the year is only good if you go for a normal Thai girl.
Interesting. I heard about this sponsorship game but if the girl is not obviously a pro how does one approach. You cannot exactly come up to an uni girl somewhere and ask her if she is for rent 😉
I know some of my Thai friends use independent mamasans that manage groups of uni girls and I suppose they can do monthly as well as hourly but these girls are basically pros. I wonder if there are also “sponsorship brokers” to find girls that are not outright pros.
hmmm, it’s more like an “understanding” than anything else. It’s pretty simple though, find a Uni girl you like maybe go on a few dates, she’ll quickly tell you her money problems then offer a solution, it’s entirely up to you.
i live in usa. match maker will be helpful. even a paid one i donot have time in few wks stay to search. any suggetions? THANKS
Well if the girl likes you enough to show up for dates then with a little patience and good game you can probably do her without paying her a salary. It happened to me many times I see a hot 20 yr think well she might make a nice little pet well worth 50000 per month or whatever is her price. Of course i want to know her better first so i get her number but she is always “busy” and never see her again. Of course she has no idea that I might offer her financial security so she has no reason to show up, so nothing happens. This is why an agent or “matchmaker” who knows what both sides are looking for would be useful.
Interesting, I’ve never heard of such a service, something I’ll look into.
I’m assuming when you talk about renting a Thai girl who’s not really in the game, say as a live together on a monthly basis in the apartment you’re renting, you’re talking about a full service girl, who provides sex, language teaching, showing around the city, partying together and general companionship? Sort of a live together gf/mistress?
Obviously this sort of thing will work a lot better if there’s some genuine affection between the two, so some reality to her being your gf, though she wouldn’t go with a much older guy I’m guessing unless it was compensated and she has some hope he might eventually marry her.
What would that cost a month for a young Thai 8, on top of room and much of her board/meals (when you’re together)? I’m guess from what you’ve said that 15,000 bhat a month, or $500 a month walk around spending money, would compensate a pretty attractive non bar girl, right? Could one expect a non bar girl to be faithful if paid that?
Where does one find such girls? Are university going poorer girls likely candidates for a fit, tall, personable, fairly good looking guy of 45 or so possible targets or is that a stretch? If so, who else? Ok I see you said Issan. Well maybe an Issan girl at university in Bangkok? Though the darker and specific look of Issan girls seems less attractive to me than some other Thais, generally speaking.
These kinds of girls can be found on dating sites like ThaiLoveLines. Go out on a date with a few girls and find out their situation, it’s usually them who hint at it. Though you can find the girls anywhere, many waitresses at drinking holes are good places to look as well. Age is usually a non issue if you are under 50. She has to like you to begin with, it’s not truly a money only thing the girl wants you to take care of her which means her emotions not just her pocket.
Are there any young Thai girl older farang guy relationships of any length that don’t involve the guy “renting”, that is supporting her, to at least some considerable extent?
sure i have a g/f right now 10 years younger does everything for me i don’t pay nothing.
Sponsoring is a lot of financial responsibility in my opinion it only make sense to use it in order to get a girl who is young and 8 or better in looks and would otherwise be out of your league.
Most girls on the love links or lines are average at best. Of course if you keep seeing the same girl she may eventually start expecting support anyway but is not a problem if you have a dating pipeline going 😉
i live in usa. i am maintaining a older thai girl i get good GF ,exp. I pay her 500 us dollars a month. plus more ,this is convientant, i can be in usa earning living without travel ling. Is this a reasnoble price? any suggestions money wise? thx
depends where she lives but that’s the most she needs.
thx chris, she lives in usa,r i donot plan to go any higher amount, choices are are limited, expenses are higher, unfriendly for sex this is usa unlike thailand lol.
i am loking 1 beautifull thailand girl for 1 month,age shuold be 18 to 25. i dont have any problems about money.
Wow! Great article and the rent-a-girl-by-the-year would be perfect for my lifestyle… I see this article is a few years old though so wondering if the pricing is still accurate… .also, I live in Chiang Rai… which is good because a big university here – anyway, any updates would be hugely appreciated.
Can you give details… from where we can get such type of girls
Hi guys,
thanks for the hints, there are useful. I have another question: which kind of girl would you look for and rent monthly in order to get regular threesome with one of her (female) good friends? I would love to be regularly with 2 bisexual nice Thai ladies, 30 to 40 y/o, and to hire them monthly, or even longer if we go along well…
I would like to make contact with a myanmar girl in chang mai for a week. Do you know how to go about it.
Hi there. . Phuket girl I looking for girl be for A month. I take good care off you. . My friend say I am kind and easy going. .
I am 5.8 tall^^ green eyes. . Bit less hair. .and 49 years old. .
Get back to me on this.
What’s the deal with finding and getting a Thai girl to Australia for her holiday visa period.
Your thoughts and facts?
Those are two different issues.
Finding a girl to take to Australia for a holiday? Well it totally depends on what your intentions are. Are you looking for love and a potentially relationship? Are you just looking for some young attractive company for a few weeks? Do you have other intentions?
Regarding the how, I am not sure I’m the best person to advise you. Again, a lot depends on the who and why. It actually seems to be getting much easier for Thai girls to travel to the West and Australia, I don’t know much about Europe, but it’s certainly a lot easier for a Thai to get a visa to Europe than it was 10 years ago.
hi very helpful info looking to rent thai girl 20/30 years old am 46 years old money nor really a issue would like to see what getting for rental beforehand yours francis any other contacts would be helpful
Hi, if rent a girlfriend, when should I pay her.
Is that paid half first then pay balances during next day?
That would be my question as well. Can’t imagine to pay her upfront, as she more likely will disappear, so how to handle that matter in the best way?