How to exchange noodles for Sex
I talk alot about buying a girl noodles in exchange for sex and I guess that’s where I differ from the other bloggers in this genre while they are bar fining girls I’m buying them noodles instead. Now a bowl […]
I talk alot about buying a girl noodles in exchange for sex and I guess that’s where I differ from the other bloggers in this genre while they are bar fining girls I’m buying them noodles instead. Now a bowl […]
Most of my close friends know the real story here but I figure it’s time to tell everyone because hell why not this is Thailand this is my blog and my story. I could start the story about how I […]
Anytime I have a conversation with a girl from Isaan well it normally lasts about 5 minutes before I’m over it already. I know many of you guys have married some Isaan girls and I don’t mean this post with […]
Unless you’ve been living in a cave your whole live a MILF is a Mother I’d like to Fuck! A Thai MILF is pretty much the same as any other MILF from any other country only better! Better because most […]
This past month I’ve been super lazy so havn’t really done a Thai girl for a while, this week is Natt she’s tall pretty and looks great in a Bikini, I wonder if you can guess where it is? You […]
I got a random phone call yesterday from this Chiang Mai Uni girl who I havn’t talked to for a long time asked if I was free and wanted to go have dinner together. I remember the girl good looking […]
Chiang Mai is developing and in the next few years will see some major new developments. Chiang Mai is Thailands second biggest city yet is only a 1000th of the size of the capital yet things are changing and changing […]
I’ve been trying to increase my Thai vocabulary and therefore have been reading up on the Thai law and how it works. Basically the law in Thailand follows the pattern of cival law countries. Unlike a common law country however […]
If you’re moving to Chiang Mai for at least 6months you need to make sure you are staying in the right place. Everyone has different budgets for those on a budget I recommend Jed Yord, for something a bit better […]
A friend of mine is in Chiang Mai this week doing some business here and there and playing the field in between and asks me for advice now and then on girls in Chiang Mai which I couldn’t be more […]
First of all a few posts now there have been more than a few readers who have posted more than a few comments saying that I should be meeting more HiSo girls and that the kind of girl I meet […]
Almost three months ago I moved to Pattaya and I wrote about my reasons for the move in the post Why i’m moving to Pattaya. There was a mixed reaction from you guys some were for the move citing that […]
Last year I was hitting up postjung super hard this is before I had told everyone about it and before guys started copying my tactics. Honestly I only have myself to blame for that but hey i’m a good guy […]
Thai girls who speak English are typically bad news, they are bad dating material, typically they have gone through more than a dozen farang already they are likely good in bed but there is always alteria motive to them. You can […]
I have a lot of friends here who struggle with living in Thailand because they have absolutely nothing to do. Even a good friend of mine recently left Thailand because he struggled with the fact that there isn’t really much […]
I was trying to get to my friends place last night and this girl is giving me directions to her place, she was all over the place and this is normal for getting directions in Thailand. When someone says 100 […]
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