Nightclubbing in Bangkok
For those guys who love the nightlife who love to go out clubbing then I’ve found one of the most unique and coolest websites for clubbing in Bangkok! The website is called and if you don’t have your profile […]
For those guys who love the nightlife who love to go out clubbing then I’ve found one of the most unique and coolest websites for clubbing in Bangkok! The website is called and if you don’t have your profile […]
Thailand has a reputation for being the sex capital of Asia right or wrong it’s enjoyed this reputation for a long time which has helped grow its reputation as a place for cheap sex since the Vietnam war. While it’s […]
Not really a mongers destination or even a holiday destination for tourists although Ubon has a big expat community and with 1.8 million Thai citizens in and around the city Ubon has a lot of nightclubs, bars, and karaoke houses […]
First thing that comes to people’s minds when you mention Thailand is the sex workers then it’s the scams. And scams in Thailand aren’t just offline either they are online as well. In the Online Dating world in Thailand there […]
Sideline girls are in more numbers on the Thai language only dating sites than they are on the dual language dating sites. A typical sideline girl is someone who is prostituting themselves out over the Internet for a set fee […]
I’ve seen more drama this week than I have my entire stay in Thailand and last night topped the cake when some Farang bit me at Spicy nightclub. I’m there with a few mates and I can see other guys […]
There are a lot of time wasters in the Thailand online dating scene much more so than in western countries where online dating has matured. As a part of speeding up the dating process you need to learn to spot […]
Your first message on the dating site is the most important message of them all, so don’t screw it up! Yes it is a numbers game but if you send out a 1000 emails with the message “I like you […]
You know I don’t believe there is truly any good Thai girls we all have a little something to hide but that’s ok because here I’m always whining about Thai girls and how they are this or that but today […]
You’ve probably heard the old saying you know dating is a numbers game the more you swing the bat more chances you have of hitting the ball and in our case finding the right girl for us. Online dating is […]
The girls on the online dating sites rarely read your profile in fact they typically only read your profile once they’ve already communicated with you so you might not think it’s important to create a good profile then since they […]
Our last party 2 days ago which also coincided with my birthday (only a few days late) was one of the better parties we’ve had this year and if you weren’t there then you really missed out! But don’t worry […]
The guide books to Thailand tell you a lot of thing you need when you are coming and have arrived in Thailand but in none of those guides have I seen these three things mentioned and I think are a […]
A lot of people come to Thailand to find themselves, to find out who they are and what they want in their life. Then there are others who already know what they want and they come to Thailand to get […]
A while ago I did something I don’t normally do. I picked up a Thai bar girl! Well the reality is she picked me up as I was just sitting at the Zoe In Yellow minding my own business when […]
There are many dating sites in Thailand but the following list of dating sites really are the only sites you need or should I say MUST have a profile on. Now you don’t need an active paid profile on each […]
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