Comedy Clubs in Bangkok
Looking for a few laughs in the city of angels you really can’t go wrong with a night at a comedy club. I like the open mic nights because you get some really strange people with some strange humor. These […]
Looking for a few laughs in the city of angels you really can’t go wrong with a night at a comedy club. I like the open mic nights because you get some really strange people with some strange humor. These […]
DISCLAIMER: This is a readers submission and the Author remains anonymous Before moving to Thailand I was, among many other things, a Customer Service Manager at a couple of call centers. I started with a Class Action Administration company, and later, after […]
The city of Bangkok really comes alive at night and there are numerous bars, pubs and clubs that are just waiting to be explored. While Bangkok is without doubt the party capital of Thailand, you don’t have to go on […]
You ever wondered how in a country where minimum wage is below what most would call poverty that there are so many nice cars! Mind you the price of a luxury car in Thailand is at least twice what you […]
Many times on this website I generalize, i’ll say Thai girl this and Thai people, that mostly because saying that bitch or naming some person would likely end me in trouble and more enemies than I care to have. Like […]
It’s amazing how many people find themselves becoming victims in Thailand. In the west people live very sheltered lives from home in the car to work and back home again and often their childhoods were the same. For someone without […]
Two american men recovered in hospital after a savage beating by Karoake staff at the Krelo Karaoke Chang Klan Chiang Mai. Yesterday at approximately 8:30am 18th of January 2014 Chiang Mai police received a call of help from 2 american […]
I’m not really that into Thai Humour it runs along the lines of a cross between a really annoying Chinese opera and a re-run of Mr Bean. That said anytime there is a Farang involved I can’t stop but laughing. […]
I understand inflation, and I know that it’s not as easy to make money in the game anymore due to exploding property prices and higher rent prices, everything seems to be going up. But the extortionate fees some Go Go […]
If you want your first dates to turn into one night stands or sex there’s only one date type you should be doing – drinking dates! Coffee dates are pleasant at best and rarely lead to sex. Cinema dates are […]
This afternoon police in Chiang Mai were called to Wat Phra Sing in the center of Chiang Mai that there were 3 foriegn girls walking around the temple dressed in nothing but bikinis. The police escorted 2 of the girls […]
Everyone likes to know the tips and tricks to travelling around Thailand and so now I’m going to give you a little known secret not just how to save money but to have a good bloody time as well. Your […]
So you’ve figured out your finances maybe you’ve got a way to make money each month while living in Thailand be it a pension, rental income, online income, or maybe you’ve just saved up enough money to take a year […]
There isn’t one kind of person that comes to Thailand there are many. There’s the sex starved older English gent that finds paradise in the Neon lights of Pattaya to the American couple who have figured out that they don’t […]
Amazingly you’ll still find sites telling you that you can live in Thailand on $600 USD a month and while that’s possible there are many hidden costs that simply buying a plane ticket and without spending any of your own […]
While Pattaya is popular with the Russian Family holiday maker lets face it, the only reason why most people besides that Russians are here is for the sex and lots of it. Millions of people visit this seaside city and […]
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