Dirty Soapy Massage Thailand
The Soapy Massage parlours in Thailand are world renown, I don't think there is anywhere else on earth that they are so prevalent. Surprisingly so the soapy massage in Thailand are more frequented by Thai patrons than they are tourists or foreigners.

Thai Soapy Massage
A soapy massage can be found typically at hotels though some are also stand alone. You'll walk into the place and there will be a large glass window separating you from a large number of girls, these girls all have numbers attached to their clothing. You sit down and check out the girls and when you've picked one you'll usher over someone working there and basically say "I want number 69!". You'll pay upfront for the services typically the cost is 1000-2000 baht depending on the age of the girl, her look, and how long she's been working there, though typically it's the better looking girls who are more expensive. They normally sit in columns as well say left is 1600 baht and right is 1300 baht.
After you pay upfront for the service you'll be walked into the room. There will always be a huge bathtub or spa bath in the room, undress and she will proceed to give you a massage in the bath. It's an experience that you'll never forget.
Always the service includes that something extra which you've already paid for (hence the big price tag). The soapy or dirty massage is a sure thing, you know when you go to once of these places you know you'll get something, unlike going to a bar or so forth this is the real deal. Most times the girls working there are not forced into the job, they do it because the pay is unreal. Most of the girls working there can make over 100,000 baht a month probably more. This is serious money in Thailand or pretty much the world really. Though some wonder where the money goes to though.
Dirty Massage
Some people think that a Soapy massage is a dirty massage but it isn't. A Dirty massage is more in the traditional sense where it's typically an oil massage where they massage you in other places. It's not uncommon that the mouth is used to massage you in the right places as well. Typically you can get this service at most of the massage parlours and cost roughly 500 baht. This is all negotiation as well. It's better to go mid evening though to get the best price.
Where to get a soapy massage in Thailand
Here are some guys and maps of some of Thailand's best Soapy massage parlors. Not all do the slip and slide but must can.
Chiang Mai soapy massage parlors
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