Coyote and Karaoke Party Thursday October 25th 2012
Thursday October 25th is a day you'll want to mark on your calendar because that day I'm hosting another super fun coyote party and I have a few things planned for the event to make it super fun! Just like the other parties I've hosted everything is included and there are no surprises at the end of the night which is what makes this kind of event better than trying to do it yourself. But what really makes the coyote parties special is the girls. I personally reserve the girls from different karaoke and coyote shops around town.
Party starts 7:30pm and ends midnight on the dot! Don't be late!

Chiang Mai Coyote Girl at the party (everyone gets one)
Available at the Party VIP ฿2100 Non-member ฿3000
Remember for every ticket you buy you must bring a bottle!
Only 10 Tickets total!
There are only 4 tickets left! Buy yours now!
Only VIP members are allowed upgrades and discounts, log in for the discount button!

Alcohol NOT Included
In order to keep the cost of entry down there will be no alcohol provided however mixers and ice as well as service is. Therefore if you buy a ticket you must bring your own bottle! We realize not everyone wants to drink whiskey so bring what you like. The girls love Tequila!! If you want to order alcohol at the party you'll need to pay cash for it. Even if you don't drink or want to buy your own beer you'll still need to bring a bottle. For maximum effect the girls need to be drunk and if you don't bring a bottle your girl won't be! If you fail to bring a bottle on the night you will need to bring an extra 900 baht. (a bottle of tequila can start at 400 baht!).

Hostess Girl Included
Most haven't been to Karaoke before and those who have I bet have never experienced a night like this. Karaoke girls are sort of like a strip tease will grind on you all night and let loose after some drinks. What makes a great Coyote party is when you actually have the right sort of girls in there we're talking sexy as well as wild! If you want a girl to party with you afterwards fee to take her out is 2000 baht (all inclusive) payable when you leave.

Food Included
Since the party starts at 8pm and to loosen things up a little gives you a chance for small talk before we get right into it. Food will be Thai food likely spicy so you may want to eat first if you don't like spicy foods. It's not really the environment for a full on feast so have something light before you come. If there is anything special you want like vegetarian food please let us know.

Room Included
The room reserved is the Extra VIP suite has apool table on one side and the other a large C shaped couch plus a big sound system and the latest dance tracks. Guys who come are aged 22-56. The older guys don't like the music but since all the girls are under 24 they do and if you want to have a good time gotta let the girls listen to what they wanna listen to.
I make NO money from the party!
The parties are setup so that you can meet other likeminded guys other VIP members and guys who just want a fun night out and lets not forget the chance to have 10 sexy Thai girls in our own private room! I don't make any money from setting up the party in fact it costs me 10,000 baht in order to host the party and that's on top of the fees payed by VIP and non-members what you get at the party is worth more than the price of admission!
What to wear at the party?
It's a good idea to look your best at the party Thai girls like guys who are clean shaven but not all but it can help make sure you wear shoes! There are two reasons why you want to wear shoes first is the girls won't think you look cheap and secondly the girls are drunk and if you wear flip flops they WILL dig their heals into your feet! Lastly don't wear jeans or a belt! These girls are going to be grinding your lap which they are less willing to do if they get your belt buckle between their legs! Wear loose fiting trousers cotton pants that don't have a zipper or anything uncomfortable that's going to be in your lap.
Party Rules!
No Drugs! I have no problem against people using drugs just don't bring any on the night!
No Hurting the Girls! The girls that go to these parties are like friends to me they don't mind partying having a good time getting with you if you two click whatever just don't hurt them.
You break it you pay for it! It's not likely your going to break anything but if you drop a glass or something the house charges so just be careful.
Tip the girl! If you don't take the girl home (an extra 2000 baht) then leaving her a 100 baht tip will make her day, unless of course she wasn't any fun!
Q. Can I take the girls home?
A. There are two types of girls there are girls you can take home and there are girls you can't. It's up to you which one you want just let Chris know after you've bought the ticket
Q. Can I choose the girl myself?
A. Yes, you have two options you can have Chris choose the girl (advised) or you can go with Chris to choose the girls beforehand. Chris will be going to the Karaoke clubs everyday for 3 days before the party to see who's available, if you've bought the ticket and want to get a feel of things before hand your happy to tag along. You can also choose if you like on the night we'll bring out several girls for you to choose from.
Q. Where is the party?
A. Parties change venues all the time, only people who buy tickets will know where it is!
Q. Can I pay you on the night?
A. Only people allowed to pay on the night are VIP members.
Q. Can I bring a friend?
A. Sure, but payment must be made beforehand and friend if not VIP must pay full fare.
Q. Why is the party on a Thursday?
A. The slowest day for Karaoke is Thursday, thus more girls are available.
Q. Party Ends early where do we go after?
A. If you don't get lucky at the party we will probably rage on a local club around town.
Q. What if the girl I get sux?
A. It's best to bring to the attention of Chris within the first 20 minutes of the party, later it gets the less girls there are for you to choose from again. Ultimately while we do our best to bring you the most fun and attractive girls it's still not 100% it's possible you might get unlucky.
If you have any more questions please contact us.