Complete Guide to pricing a night at a gentlemen’s club in Thailand
Gentlemens clubs in Thailand also go by other names like coyote clubs and sometimes disguised as Karaoke clubs. I've found the ones that use the name Karaoke are either brothels or places to get totally scammed by the mamasan. Places like Pimp and Bank (gentlemen’s clubs) are more to what you'd picture when you think of them.
In this guide i'm not goint to tell you how much each club costs and compare them that would take way too long and be out of date the next day I wrote it. So instead in this guide I'll just explain what I do to figure out how much a night at a gentlemen's club in Thailand will cost me and how to find the best G-Clubs in Thailand.

This is The Pimp a gentlemen's club in Bangkok
When I was a boy and heard someone going to a gentlemen’s club I pictured a lounge area with old dudes smoking cigars and waitresses wearing lingerie. Now when I think of a G-Club I think of skinny young Thai girls giving me a lap dance while I get drunk and enjoy the music and hanging out with my friends.
Yes it is expensive, I'm not going to write how to do it cheap because the fact is you have to pay, but just like when you pay for a better car you get a better car. Gentlemen’s clubs in Bangkok are like that too. You get what you pay for a G-club in Bangkok just like you would everywhere else. But let's face it if you want a really good night out hang around really hot young thai girls that rub their bodies up on you would you rather do that or spend your money at a nightclub in the hope you'll get laid that night I know which I'll choose.
Can you get laid in a gentlemen’s club? Yes. Can you not get laid in a gentlemen’s club? Yes. Most people see gentlemen’s clubs in Bangkok as just as an upper class brothel but it's far from it. There are no soapy massages and private shag rooms at a gentlemen’s club. You'll be surprised to find that 10% are lesbian and wouldn't do you even if you had a wad full of cash. Sixty percent of the girls have only gone with customers as either kiks or boyfriends but the last 30% of Thai girls working in the G clubs are likely to be hooking so it pays to stick with a favorite club for a while to figure out who's willing for what.
I've been to so many different gentlemen’s clubs in Thailand that I've figured out a few tricks that I’m going to share with you that will help save you some money and find the best G-club for your night out.
First thing you want to do is check out the clubs listed in the guides at the bottom of this page. If there is no guide for your area currently then go by what you know or from the internet. Get a list of 5-10 places you'd like to check out as a potential. Now approach your first night at any gentlemen’s club as the only night you’re going to be there. Don't get any membership deals until the next 2nd night you've been to the place. This way you don't get trapped into a membership you didn't even want. Never get membership when you’re drunk.
Now that you have a list of places you want to check out go to each one at around 7-8pm. At this time there will be no one there which means you'll have a better chance of talking to the manager. The reason you want to talk to the manager is because A. they can help you find the right kind of girls you want to party with and B. she (typically it's a woman) will be more willing to help you if you’re their friend. So go to the places you are thinking of spending some time at and talk to the manager if you can find her and especially ask exactly how much things cost and any other erroneous charges.
I like to go to the places just to check them out see what they offer. I'll typically say that I'm bringing a group of 7 friends out on the town and I want to know which place has what to offer and what the costs are. I haven’t had one place BS me yet.
Here is a list of good questions to ask at a gentlemen’s club in Thailand:
- Can I see the drink Price list? (always ask see the printed price)
- What are the hourly costs for private rooms?
- Do girls have a time cost? Do I have to pay for the girl’s time including drinks?
- How much are girl’s drinks?
- Is there a cover charge to enter the club?
- Do you have membership? What discounts do I get for membership?
- Any discounts you can provide me?
- Can you show me around to help me better decide?
- When do you work and can I get your number?
The last question there isn't to pick the manager up. More often than not the manager makes extra money acting as a pimp for the girls. She will know several good looking coyote girls that are willing to go with you. If that's something you want to do don't ask her the first time you meet. Call her the next day about 6pm and ask if she knows a girl who is willing to meet you at the club. If you’re changing clubs or never been chances are you'll go there and pick the PR girl who is not willing to go home with you. You want the coyote girl with a hot body and know how to use it. The manager will have it sorted before you arrive. Don't forget to tip the manager for setting these things up, trust me the next girl she sets you up with will be even better.
One thing I should tell you about the manager though is she will get you to drink and if you are not drinking she will be drinking for you. That's how the club makes half of their money so be cool the first time and maybe a few more times but after that stop tipping her and buying her drinks because your now beyond that stage. To do this just pull her aside make sure noone is listening and tell her you can't afford to buy her drinks anymore just don't let anyone else hear or she'll hate you. It's that whole losing face thing even though you could still afford to don't. She will then respect you and still go out of her way to help you as a friend this time not as a customer.
Let's say you've found a place you really like it and want to go back again and again. Well first thing you want to look for is the membership discounts. Typically these come in the form of 12 months. You get X number of bottles or X number of beers. It's ALWAYS cheaper to drink from a bottle of vodka or red label than it is to drink beers. But hey that's how it works. If you don't drink alcohol at all then don't worry about memberships.
Check out these nightlife guides to Thailand Gentlemen’s clubs more coming soon.
Bangkok Gentlemen’s clubs
Chiang Mai Gentlemen’s clubs - Find out what the best gentlemen’s club in Chiang Mai is like
Phuket Gentlemen’s clubs
Pattaya Gentlemen’s clubs
Hi Chris
I’m going to a batchelor party in Bangkok in April. Can you recommend a couple of coyote bars which are particularly good? 10 guys in the Wolfpack and they range from being guys who like to use the private rooms to guys who just like to have a beer and talk to the chicks. Any ideas welcome, thanks!
There are hundreds and hundreds of Coyote clubs in Bangkok, I only listed the ones I thought were the best. Pick one from this list and you’ll do great!
did i miss something here? where isa the Complete Guide’ ???
It seems you haven’t been to any of those clubs and you are just adding words together to make traffic
I’ve been to all of em, though this list needs updating cause some of em arn’t around now or have changed names.
thanks for this gives us a lot better idea of how to budget for a night out
Thanks for the info on g clubs
I’m visiting in January and want to check some out
I dont drink alcohol
Is there a way to visit and not buy booze
I just want girls like 10