Chiang Mai Go Go Bars
Chiang Mai isn't known for their Go Go bars. In fact Chiang Mai tries it's best to display a family oriented picture so that more families are drawn to Chiang Mai, but still you do have over 20,000 expats living here most of them older men so of course there are places like Go Go bars you can seek for entertainment.
Go Go bars have changed a lot over the past 15 years. Back in the 80's almost all Go Go bar girls went nakid, but since the crackdown by the government probably over pressure from NGO's and the US government, Go GO bars are now all strickly clothes only with big fines and bribes in place if you are caught out.

Chiang Mai Go Go Bars
There is only 1 go go bars in Chiang Mai that is even worth mentioning, the other ones are just downright terrible old ladies or a really bad vibe.
Foxy Lady Go Go Bar
The Foxy Lady Go Go Bar must have roughly 15 girls working in there, most of them are young under 25 and really good looking. The prices are obscene though roughly the same price as you'd find at Bangkok Go go bars. Basically you are hiring a girl for the night if you go to this place. I heard the bar charges 600 and the girl between 1500-2500 depending on a lot of factors whether she needs money and depending on how you look. Best rule of thumb is to always look your sharpest but try not to look rich. hard balance but sure you'll get the drift. The girls are basically take home.
The Foxy Lady Go Go Bar is located directly behind the D2 hotel along the night bazaar, normally there is always a girl sitting out the front but most the girls are working on the inside pleasuring their guests.
Bangsaen Coyote Club Chiang Mai
The Bang Saen is more of a gentlemens club than a gogo bar. It's very relaxed not crowded and has 2 shows on per night. First show is at midnight and is a strip show by two of the girls. The next show is at 2am. You can buy a bottle of pipers there for 1400 baht with free mixers for the night. The lady's drinks however are 200 baht each and can get quite expensive. Expect to buy the girl 4-5 drinks over a period of 4 or 5 hours. She will help you finish the bottle you bought too. They do have coyote dancers in the club regularily switching over they arn't gogo girls but they sure do move well. Girls are young here.
Map of Chiang mai Go Go bars
Thanks for creating such a great web site. I have gained a lot of information. How do the Girls react to older guys 55+ ? I am planning a 10 day trip to Chiang Mai in DEC-JAN (for the new Year) and would love to meet a Nice young Girl or 2. Unfortunately the US has all your listed dating sites blocked and I have no other internet available here so I can’t do any advanced planning in that area. Wouldn’t mind sponsoring a young lady and getting started that way, if you know of any.
I did not see where you are selling anything or a donation button on your site, did I miss it? If you are non-profit I owe you a at least a dinner, and my thanks.
Hey Mike,
Glad you like the site! I know plenty of young girls who like older guys, i’m not a matchmaker or anything like that but i’m sure i can hook you up no problem. Maybe you can come to one of the Parties in Thailand I setup lots of young girls at the party and it’s a good way to meet likeminded people as well, keep checking out that site for updates the first party is at the start of next month.
Don’t worry bout donating or anything i do this for fun, besides there’s too many girls out there for just me so why not help others out right?
Hope to see you when come to Chiang Mai! Your gonna love it!
I am planning a party in Chaing Mai. I found the Foxy Lady site and it seemed like a good place for me and my associates to meet. The site promoted an excellent business attitude and philosohy, so I asked an associate living in Chaing Mai to stop by, meet the management, and confirm the information. Sadly, his report was far from easy reading. It appears that, for whatever reasons, the Foxy Lady has really gone down hill. His report was professional, honest, and very detailed. Foxy Lady appears to have lost its former glory and has reverted into little more than just another beer joint…and, I’m sorry to say, not a very good one at that.
This leaves me in a rather awkward position. Now I have to find a new location which will be suitable for me and my associates (many of whom are professionals) to enjoy an evening of fun, games, and surprises. Any suggestions? If so, they would be greatly appreciated.
You will have more fun at either 20 twenty Karaoke for the middle end and Baan Saen for the high end. Baan Saen has coyote girls the Karaoke doesn’t.
Thank you for the suggestions, Chris. Your site is much more extensive than I realized. Nicely done on all points. I will certainly make it a point to send you an invitation if you are inclined to accept such things.
Thank you again for the excellent site and your prompt assistance. I owe you.
I did not try Baan Saen cause I was looking for a sure thing. Is it like a Bkk style gclub? Normally in Bkk like 20% of the girls will be available to go home for a price, but you have to have good relationship with mamasan to get the pointers, otherwise trial and error can be expensive and time consuming
I know places where they put the girls into two categories and you can pick from the girls that go home and the girls that don’t. In the end you go out to have a good time do you really need an end game? Besides after a night of drinking are you really getting your money’s worth? Go to Foxy you’ll get it there for 2600 the underground brothel or the glass window brothel, hit me up if you want to know where the best CM girls are located.
So how does it work at Baan Saen, Chris? Do you talk about st, lt, bar fines, etc. – or is it a different play to typical bars and gogos? More informal like try get a number then arrange something outside?
Are you still doing the meetups?
I’m no longer doing meetups because it doesn’t really work there are too many guys and it’s hard to go anywhere, if your a VIP member and you’re in Chiang Mai hit me up and I’ll show you best places in Chiang Mai.
Baan Saen only 10% of the girls go home, ask the mama san which girls or if you want i can take you there show you how it works.