Best massage in Bangkok (with VERY happy endings)
Thai massage is famous around the world. Bangkok is filled with massage parlors. And a lot of them are offering happy endings in one way or another. But which happy ending massage in Bangkok is best?
There are basically four kinds of massages with happy endings you will find in Bangkok. The first is a regular Thai or oil massage, with the masseuse basically just offering to finish you off at the end for a tip. There's nothing much to talk about there.
But the other kinds of happy ending massages you find in Bangkok are more tailored to men. And I can talk about them a lot more specifically because of that. And the fact that they are stable rather than being based on "luck of the draw."
Oily massage
Oily massage is basically a way of describing places that are pretty much about sex. Back in Australia they would just call them massage parlours or brothels. You might actually get some kind of massage in a Bangkok oily. But you also might not.
The best oily massage in Bangkok are places like Cherry Massage, Tulip Massage, and Snow White massage. They have some really legendary performers inside who do the PSE thing in a way that can totally rock your world. The aren't the best lookers though. Cost is about 2000 Baht.
Soapy massage
Soapy massage is a lot more high end and elaborate than oily massage. The places are bigger and better, and the girls usually are too. Basically you walk in and pick a girl from the crowd. Then you go to a big room with a bed and a tub. Your whole body gets washed and rubbed. Then you go over to the bed to finish off.

The "porn star experience" isn't as common at the soapies. But you get treated like a king and the chicks are much closer to the international standard of beauty. That means taller, thinner, lighter skin, and bigger boobs. Some of it is man-made of course.
The best soapy massages in Bangkok at the moment are Poseidon, La Belle, and Emmanuelle. But the services aren't cheap. Expect to pay several thousand Baht for an hour or two. Some places have models that charge up to 10,000 Baht per shot!
Nuru massage
Nuru massage is something that came out of Japan and then spread to the rest of the world. If you have seen any of those nuru massage or "soapy massage" porn videos, then you already know what I am talking about.
Basically these places are like the soapy massage parlors above, but they're usually a little smaller. And after your bath, the girls cover themselves with soapy bubbles and slide all over your body. They can be really good at it too. You'd be surprised how they can control themselves while sliding around on you and a big air mattress! Especially when it comes time to deliver the "full service happy ending".
The best nuru massages in Bangkok are all run along Japanese lines. The top three in my opinion are Doki Doki, Mitu, and Hera's Massage. The all have pretty good looking chicks. And they're trained in their jobs too. But again, it's not cheap. A 60 minute session is usually about 3000 Baht. Seems fair to me.
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