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Building the Locator

About a year ago I was travelling all over Thailand hooking up with girls I'd met off the dating sites, what was great about that experience is most of the time I had girls who could show me around. If I was doing it all alone I would have missed a bunch of stuff I wouldn't have seen without knowledge from the locals. Recently I'd been getting a lot of emails about where things are and what to do in Thailand so I decided to create a site that would help out all the people that come to this site and that's how the Thai Locator was born. This is a huge project with an estimated 100,000 records when it's complete.

Visit the Thai Locator today: http://www.thailocator.com

This page is going to be dedicated to bringing you updates on what I've been doing to the site. Otherwise sign up to the email list to keep informed.

December 4th 2014

Turns out the geo filter I wanted to put in there was just too slow and complicated to be any use so I removed it instead making users pick their location, another problem was SEO wouldn't work if It were geolocated. I've started working on the onsite SEO fixing the URLS making them "friendly" while adding descriptions to each page. Site still looks a little messy and badly needs the new markers. Bangkok data still has to be inserted and the Phuket data cleaned up. Bigger job than I thought. Might not get this done because of Christmas but the plan is to be complete end of January 2015.

November 1st 2014

Added Phuket Data

Home page geo filtered (not working well too slow & image problems)

Improved the Business Listing Page with more businesses around the location.

September 21st 2014

Added all the data for Pattaya and added some new categories.

Added location pages to the menu.

Added Phuket location (no data yet)

September 1st 2014

Fixed the category drill downs so they only show Business categories that actually have businesses.

Fixed some of the pages that weren't being as responsive as they should be. (still some more to go).

I had to add the ability to use the GPS location when I'm sitting in a restaurant, this way I should be able to get more businesses into the database.

Fixed the image transformations so now they should all look respectable (except for hotels)


It's been more than a month and you really can't see much progress yet

August 25th 2014

Business Listings: 7000

After a few weeks of work most of the Chiang Mai businesses I wanted are now in the database.

July 20th 2014

Business Listings: 3000

I'm hosting the site with ASmallOrange.com I really like these guys because they are very fast and support is super fast and helpful. After buying hosting it only takes 2 minutes to log into cpanel and install your WordPress site. The longest part of the initial setup was finding a decent theme that already had the functionality that I wanted. I came across a theme called Business Finder at Codecanyon but it hardly does anything I want it to do but it's a good start.

This project I expect to take 12 months so please keep up to date with my progress by coming back to this page.

If you have any comments about the project please let me know them below.