Gangnam Style Thailand
If you havn't heard this song by now it's likely you just live in a cave! The Gangnam Style song is everywhere and the first day I heard it on Gangnam Style you tube video it only had one million view now the video has 177 million views at the time of this article. No idea what the guy is singing about but doesn't matter cause the video and song is really catchy and I think that's why this singing dancing fat Korean dude with some stupid dance moves has gone viral. I'll even admit I've used a few of his zany dance moves Gangnam Style in Thailand!
Crazy funny Thai parody video of Gangnam Style in Bangkok.
Thai Parody video of Gangnam style including a Thai version of the Gangnam style song.
So Take a look at this guy I mean seriously this guy goes from being some weirdo you wouldn't hang with at the nightclub with his crazy dance moves to someone you'd actually want to have a drink with! How does that even happen I mean here he is sitting on the toilet with his pants down saying Gangnam Style! Honestly this guy get's an A in confidence how many of you would actually put a video of you out there sitting on the loo?
This guy is a TV comedian in Korea well known for sarcasm. The title “Oppa Gangnam Style” basically means sugar daddy style (Gangnam is a suburb south of Seoul that’s similar to Beverly Hill in Hollywood). He meant to use the song to jeer on the Korean rich guys who spent money to woo young girls and think they are “cool”.
Well it’s now worldwide sensation and seems to be another “Wondergirls’ Nobody” hits.
Thanks for the comment answered a bunch of questions I had and I’m sure other guys did too.
hilarious !!!! cool
Got to add the Thai Navy’s version
Looks like there was plenty of sanuk making this.