10 Things I miss living in Thailand
Thailand is pretty awesome you can get basically everything that you can get back home bar a few things. And it's those few things that you can really crave for sometimes. There are of course things you can get in Thailand but are super expensive it's a rare treat that you enjoy such things like T-bone steaks you can get them here but there so expensive you can't eat them everyday. So here is a list of things I miss sometimes because I can't get these here.

10. No Grassy Fields
There are no grassy fields in Thailand. Sure you can always find an open space at the local university but when you start talking about parks and declared open public spaces Thailand doesn't offer many and the ones that are out there are always overcrowded.

9. Tivo In Thailand
Well sadly Tivo I can't get in Thailand and if you can please someone post a comment and tell me how to do it because watching TV without Tivo is terrible. Now I don't even watch it but when the misses starts watching the Thai soaps sometimes you wish you could just tell her to tivo it and watch it later (when your not around!)

8. White girls
Just because I live in Thailand doesn't mean I'm anti White girl either. A beautiful woman from anywhere in the world is still a beautiful woman and getting the odd shag of some random white chick is something I miss on occasion. Not that there arn't any white girls coming to Thailand, there is, plenty. But I don't really hang out those areas and with all the available young Thai chicks seems pointless to even try.

7. Good Pizza
How you manage to mess up such a simple food item is beyond me. However in Thailand don't expect too much or you'll be let down. Even the big pizza shops like Pizza Hut do a poor job. Back home 20 bucks I'd have two large pizzas and some coke, here you'd be lucky to get that and even if you did the quality would be shit house.

6. Beer with me mates
Sure i've got mates in Thailand, I know a fair few people, but people are always coming and going here. Friends back home are still always around and in some ways it's cool being away because when you get back you get a good reception but still sometimes you just feel like going down to the local to hang out.

5. Smith's Salt and Vineger chips
Salt and vinegar chips are my favourite potato chips in the world. And for some reason I can't find them anywhere but in the supermarkets back in Aus. There must be somewhere you can buy them here? There are websites but seems a waste to do that, this is of course a list of things I miss living in Thailand but even though I miss them I could still live without them. Thai people like things sour and spicy while i prefer things sweet and salty like smiths crisps.

4. Mega Bookstores
I might seem like a total nerd saying that I miss the mega bookstores and if so, i'm a nerd so be it. The mega bookstore battle might be over with Borders filing bankruptcy but Barnes & nobles is still around and I really miss hanging out in places like that looking over all the books even though I'd end up buying the book online it is something I miss. The bookstores here are just babies in comparison of the 10's of thousands of books you can buy at one of the mega bookstores.

3. Surfing
I heard there was surf in Phuket and I even read about a surfing contest down there yearly but I don't live in Phuket anyway so that wouldn't work for me here in Chiang Mai. Still I do miss the beaches of So Cal and Australia. I used to live in Newport Beach California plenty of really nice beaches with good surf too. Now i'm surounded by a mountain that's cool but you can't surf a mountain.

2. Ice Hockey
Nothing like Friday night at the hockey and even though they do have NHL games on cable TV here as do many of the local pubs but I only prefer the live action games the noise, the crowd, and the cute cheerleaders that clean up the ice. Oh yeah. The only sport played in America that is faster than a rugby game and more exciting.

1. Family
Family is number one, without family you're always much lonelier in the world. Living apart from family can be either or blessing or a curse depends on ones family. Recently my mom died while I was living in Thailand and it's things like that that make you miss home and the people that really matter in your life.
Get a Slingbox and have a friend connect it to his cable or Satalite. You can then get all the shows available from his TV on yours via HDMI cable to your HDMI compliant TV. In regards to surfing, I live in California, and it’s freakin cold and the locals aren’t very pleasant. Asia Air offers cheap flights to Bali and other spots that we could only dream of—plus the waters warm.
Stick with the Asian girls—-most white girls have huge asses and bad attitudes here in California!
Keep up the great work Chris!
55555, good – very good – and I agree with you 110% – stick with the Asian – most white girls definately have bad attitudes, especially the ones from back home (in the USA) – good Lord why would anyone want those damned things when you have these here…?
You can buy Walkers crisps at Central plaza Khon kaen, not sure about smiths. Tops supermarket ground floor has many farang foods but a bit expensive.
I agree with John regarding white girls attitudes lol.
For me: 1.)Family! 2.) Family mealtime, 3.) Family conversation/laughter, 4.) Family weekend recreation, 5.) family trip…10) family bonding/closeness!
Fat hairy demanding annoying white chicks…
no thanks
lol, well i don’t miss the fat ones that’s for sure!
I think we should switch 🙂
There are stores such as Villa and especially someplace in the basement of Siam Paragon where you can get imported good such as those crisps you mention (I assume they are what we call chips), as well as other things from back home. They have Swiss Miss (hot chocolate) which I like. But no matter where you buy it, beef will be costly coz it all must be imported.
As regards Tivo, I’ve never had it so I don’t miss it. Here I rely on an extensive DVD collection. And while sweetie looks at Thai soaps, I read (I keep a “library” as well – and look at TV when she’s at work).
I agree with you 100% on the bookstores – there is one here that has a fair selection in English – called Kinokuniya also at Siam Paragon. They have books categorized by topic and like the store mentioned above they accept all major cards even AMEX – hallejuia coz the SkyMiles are how I travel back and forth.
Decent pizza is hopeless to come by, but since that’s a Western dish I guess we can’t expect the Thais to exceed what is expected back home.
All things considered, I love the life here, although some things just make me go ballistic and despite the good advice to the contrary once in awhile I just let go. Thank God no one as yet has pinned my ears back for it.
About your beer mates – I network thru friends – and now I have a number of friends tho I wouldn’t call them beer mates since most of us are retired guys (just as you mentioned in the blog most of your readers are 15+ years older than you).
I used to live in Newport and Costa Mesa went to The Wedge everyday, I loved it but Dangerous, People , Google The Wedge Newport Beach, Fng Awesome, another place like it is Waimea Bay in Hawaii…
I like spend nice time with peoples always with good, positive energy
I also tour Dublin frequently, and other parts of the Delhi, and India. As well as being keen to travel, though kept grounded in my usual spots for now due to my studies.
wow It Was Good Love it